Monday, March 18, 2013
Too tired for this...
Soooo hard, but I could do the 10 push-ups regular style all in a row! I couldn't believe it.
My jump squats, admittedly, got more shallow as time went on, as did my lunges.
But the lower half of my body weighs 40 tons today, so I am just impressed I made it through it.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Caring is caring.
It was kinda nice doing poses for 10 minutes and trying to rest and relax into them.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Mmm... Pilates.
I miss my old Pilates class at work, I really have never worked so hard moving so little in my whole life. My butt got *worked* and no DVD has been able to get the same results.
With the core work from February, this was relatively easy, and much more fun than hanging out in plank for 2 minutes.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Sleepy time workout...
Thursday, March 14, 2013
I blame India.
I predict I will sleep well (and early) tonight.
Edit: I found it! All I needed to do was a reverse image search in conjunction with the words from the URL. Oh, internet, you so smart.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
I go to 11.
Doing Zumba helped push it over the edge a bit, but mostly it's all this arm work over here. My guns are tired and sore. I can see definition in my bicep, I'm all giddy about it.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Aim for the moon, hit a lot of stars.
Tonight's workout was really fun to do while waiting to watch movies and feed my friends delicious corned beef. Must of the moves were very familiar, but the high kicks I had to piece together myself. It seemed like I could take it at face value and tried to high kick in place. No go, I could not stop stepping forward after every kick, so I stopped fighting it and paraded around the kitchen and living room kicking like a showgirl. It was super fun, I recommend it. My planking stamina has gone down since the daily training, how quickly you lose out when you don't use it.
Yesterday, I was still catching up on weekend sleep, and adjusting to daylight savings. Early in the evening I was snuggling and watching tv, then bam, 2AM and I'm being ushered upstairs to bed. But I did walk to and from work and did an extra hour of hooping today, so it's hard to feel too bad. I suppose out of 365 days, missing some will be inevitable, but I can minimize it all I can. Being active has become a habit now, and I am looking forward to workouts now, which is just where I want to be.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Abs-olutely Fabulous!
I added in some stretching afterwards, since it felt so good yesterday.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Day 68 - Failure
-Surprise Zumba class at lunch
-Hours of juggling in the evening
-Impromptu yoga session
-A night of rolling around on the floor
After such an active day, and staying up WAY too late, I was happy to find a stretching routine for today. Nice and low key, very happy.
The model in the workouts has her eyes closed in every photo... I didn't do that when I stretched.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
A waist routine that makes your butt tired.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Permission to rest.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
She's got legs... she's forgot how to use them...
I added things to this workout, which is odd for my bare minimum attitude, but my obsessive need to be symmetrical drove me to do 10 split squat jumps (seriously, give those a try, they are nuts), and 2 360 twists. Also, jumping is fun.
Fantastic side effects are happening, I snuck in a little Just Dance last night and thought I sweat and was worked, I did not feel the painful wheezing I have had before. Which answer the question I didn't care ask, 'How long before any of this 5 minutes of working out a day crap actually makes a difference?' (I guess my brain has a bit of an attitude problem, too.) 2 months. It took me two month to go... "what the hell, why do I not have the urge to kick puppies in the face?"
This is my year.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
World's fastest workout!
It was really helpful to have a partner in crime for this workout, devious as he may be.
He had a timer and called out my next move, cheerily reminding me when I was not done yet with an exercise. He also tried to trick me into going around again, sneaky thing, but I had read it and new it was only 2 rounds. It does seem that this does not burn as many calories as a 40 minute run... that claim just seems preposterous. However, I do feel like I got a good little workout in without a lot of time. Squat thrusts... oh man.
Friday, March 1, 2013
1: Songza has a whole list of playlists for yoga, and they are quite nice.
2: I *need* more yoga in my life.
When I first started my job I did yoga 2 times a week, and sometimes more at home, and I need to get back to that kind of consistency. It just feels so nice, and it's clear I need other people around me since today's workout did not take me very long to get through.
I searched for the tumblr of the person who originally made this graphic, but had no luck reading the url no matter how large I blew up the picture.
I tried to take my time, but my strength has never been to sit (or pose) still for a long time. Except that once, but I was lying down under a blanket... way easy.
I snapped, crackled and popped my way through it and felt stretched and happy by the end. Seriously, I think I burned through it in 3 minutes. I need a much longer list of poses the way I go through them.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
45-12-50, 50-15-50
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
1) Counting to higher than 10 is *hard* when you are trying to move and keep form.
2) You feel STRONG the whole time!
3) You get to take a little nap in between them all.
I've also begun counting down my last 10 situps as a backwards countdown out loud, so every day I get my own little ball-dropping celebration. What do I *do* in celebration?? One more sit-up. ;)
Monday, February 11, 2013
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Just Sweat!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
And this:
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Fab Abs!
It felt really awesome today to come home after work and know I was already done with my workout.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Moar Abs!!
Sunday, February 3, 2013
A treat.
If I wasn't so sleepy right now, I would turn this yoga session quickly into a candle-lit bubble bath with some soothing music. Wish I thought of that earlier, but really it's just (overly) time for bed.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Fab Ab Feb Day 2
Huh, I only just noticed this pic is not right for the year... ah, well! :)
Friday, February 1, 2013
Fab Ab Feb Day 1
I plan to keep up my daily workouts on the sundays where it tells me to rest, but other than that I will slowly build up these core muscles!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Day 31 - bootybootybootybootybooty
I think the tush tightener was my favorite, cause it was hard, but I got a great hamstring stretch during each one.
I found this pic on pinterest, but have no idea where it originated from, the pin led to the pic itself.
I'm super excited for tomorrow, since we start Fab Ab February! It's only one pic for the whole month, but it should make all the planks easier from Feb on out!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Day 30 - too tired for wit...
I cheated my butt off during this workout, but I still feel it deep in the glutes. That's 3 butt references in one sentence.
I could not hold these super long... and I did fall over a bit trying to match the picture.
The one below looks all sweet and innocent, but what the picture does *not* tell you is that you have to hold your leg out to the side after you hit this pretty little pose.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Day 29 - Pilates!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Day 28 - While watching TV
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Day 27 - ArmCORE!
Crunches with weights... genius!
This was HARD HARD HARD. Not so much that I fell over like so many of the other balancy things.
I felt happy enough afterward to keep doing more bicep curls, as I was still listening to Kristin Chenoweth read her autobiography - A Little Bit Wicked. That lady is so adorable.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Day 26 - Chair barre
I did this workout while watching the latest season of Toddlers and Tiaras on Netflix, so I may have been too distracted to notice how much I was working. Once I stopped I kinda felt like jello, but I also want to keep kicking a little more, it was so fun.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Day 25 - Strings of ham.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Day 24 - Holy #@*( abs!
I really just want to jump around again, to run, to jump jackly, or jack, jumpingly. I'll try walking again tomorrow and hope for the best. I've begun to notice my days are much better when I walk. I should maybe look into some walking shoes, and maybe a little backpack to carry light things in.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Day 23 - Who's that girl? It's JESS!
I wanted to try out one of the "while you watch" workouts, so I was excited to find this in my google search when I discovered I had a new New Girl in my Hulu queue.
This version was clearly written with the first season in mind, as there haven't been a lot of Douche Jar references lately, but they did create an Annoyance Jar for Jess, so I figured that was close enough.
This episode had me do:
10 Russian twists
20 crunches (nothing broke, I just mixed up which was which)
30 sit ups
45 seconds planking
15 windmills
42 lunges
My toes weren't really up to the lunges, so I will have to remember that tomorrow. I have walked to work and back every day this week so far, and I don't really want to stop.
I'm not really sure I like these workouts, it was hard to concentrate on the show or the exercises as much as I would have wanted to, but I will try it at least once more.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Day 22 - Arms!
I really should have used heavier weights, but I only own a set of 5s and 3s. I'll work my way up, but it's better than using shoes. Maybe I will revisit this when I have heavier weights. It was quick, but I still feel like I did something. And every time I walk home and trek up the hill to the house, I don't feel so bad for not doing some kind of crazy workout. I also passed up the lure of a western bacon cheeseburger on the way home, so I can be proud.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Day 21 - AbTASTIC!
This workout was great, it was a mix up of little bite sized bits, no matter how scary the big red 300 looked. My abs are wonderfully sore, I was happy I was able to do all of the things! The funnest ones seem to be the ones I find and do right in that moment, I guess that's true for the rest of my life, too.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Day 20 - Blasting that belly!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Day 19 - Burn it with burpees.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Day 18 - Balls.
The first move started out ok, the second move too... but THESE:
I was so wobbly, I fell over more than I actually excercised. It took *all* of my muscles to complete one rep. But I guess... really... that's the point.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Day 17 - No interesting title
40 Jumping Jacks
30 Situps
20 Squats
10 Pushups
I don't want to link to the image, since after looking closer, it's a pro-ana site that it comes from, and I don't want to spread that around.
Something weird happened with my jumping jacks; every time I jumped I would turn a little to the left. So I was jack jumping in circles, though I swear I was jumping straight. My body may have been subconsciously compensating for the big toe pain that has come back a little, since I did walk to work today after resting for awhile. I guess more investigating needs to be done. I honestly lost count during the jumping jacks, being so distracted and confused by my spinning.
30 situps didn't seem like a lot until I decided I would do them all the way up, chest to knees. That is way different than crunches. I gave the same treatment to my squats, all the way down. My knees crackled and popped through all 20. There was some giggling in my house over this. I tried to make all 10 pushups full size, but dropped the knees the last 5. I'll get there.
I feel worked, and I feel good. I have been taking antibiotics for an infection, which is knocking me out more than I care to admit. But now I can go to sleep.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Day 16 - Up against a wall
I very much enjoy sitting with my feet in the air, which made this workout super appealing, since it's like 1 long inversion.
It went rather quick, and didn't leave me super sore, which makes me think I may have been doing it wrong, but there you go.
My foot has been responding well to the rest and inserts, so I will try to get back to walking tomorrow, and hopefully regular type workouts too. Some jump ropin, and jump jackin... yeah... something like that.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Day 15 - The harder they come, the harder they fall...
While I admit, always, to my laziness, this was because a day or two ago I noticed some pain in the metatarsal under my big toe. So after googling foot pain diagnosis, I gathered that the best thing to do was rest my foot a bit, as it was rebelling against this new active me. Fuck you, foot.
I skipped walking to work, put insoles in my shoes, and didn't stand at work all day. If it doesn't get better in a few days I will go to the doctor. (I just realized I was *at* the doctor today, and didn't even mention it. Wow.)
I failed to read the fine print in the lower right, so when I finished in 3 minutes I was very excited until I saw it... do this 4 times through. I had very carefully avoided any workout that made me repeat itself, for fear I would take a murderous turn. Now I know I can just pop on some youtube and just make it through. Though, there is still a feeling of bitter resentment for missing those key words in my excitement to lie on the floor for a whole workout. My thighs are *worked*.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Day 14 - Early morning
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Day 13 - Seriously lacking in upper body strength
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Day 12 - It finally happened...
I started with something that has been intimidating me on pinterest for awhile: