Monday, March 18, 2013

Too tired for this...

Still really low energy, so I picked this workout cause it looked really easy on paper.

Soooo hard, but I could do the 10 push-ups regular style all in a row! I couldn't believe it.

My jump squats, admittedly, got more shallow as time went on, as did my lunges.

But the lower half of my body weighs 40 tons today, so I am just impressed I made it through it.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Caring is caring.

Today was not a day for anything more strenuous than a calm, slow yoga workout.

It was kinda nice doing poses for 10 minutes and trying to rest and relax into them.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mmm... Pilates.

There is nothing I love more than working hard while lying down. I found this little Pilates workout, and while I didn't have a medicine ball, I did have dumbbells and a foam roller that did just as good a job.

I miss my old Pilates class at work, I really have never worked so hard moving so little in my whole life. My butt got *worked* and no DVD has been able to get the same results.

With the core work from February, this was relatively easy, and much more fun than hanging out in plank for 2 minutes.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Sleepy time workout...

Got to play on the ball today, it was nice and fun. It was also fast, which is a great thing considering how sleepy I was/am. More friday Zumba, so that was also nice and fun!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I blame India.

Since my sweetheart is working on projects with people in India, the hustle and bustle of the morning started out much earlier than normal here. It has yet to reach 7 AM here, and he has already been at work for an hour and a half, and I have snuck in a full breakfast (scrambled egg, cottage cheese, marinara sauce all wrapped in a tortilla... mmm), a giant load of laundry, and today's workout! The pin sent me over to Back On Pointe (of course!), but the graphic claims its home as Move Nourish Believe. I could not find the graphic on the site itself, though. It was such a short little workout I didn't mind having to repeat it 2 times. Hard to say if it was easier since it's so early in the morning, or if I am just stronger now. Maybe both.

I predict I will sleep well (and early) tonight.

Edit: I found it! All I needed to do was a reverse image search in conjunction with the words from the URL. Oh, internet, you so smart. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I go to 11.

Somehow Fitocracy gave me a hojillion points for today's workout. It does seem heavily weighted towards lifting. (I see what I did there...)  

Doing Zumba helped push it over the edge a bit, but mostly it's all this arm work over here. My guns are tired and sore. I can see definition in my bicep, I'm all giddy about it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Aim for the moon, hit a lot of stars.

Tonight's workout was really fun to do while waiting to watch movies and feed my friends delicious corned beef. Must of the moves were very familiar, but the high kicks I had to piece together myself. It seemed like I could take it at face value and tried to high kick in place. No go, I could not stop stepping forward after every kick, so I stopped fighting it and paraded around the kitchen and living room kicking like a showgirl. It was super fun, I recommend it. My planking stamina has gone down since the daily training, how quickly you lose out when you don't use it.

Yesterday, I was still catching up on weekend sleep, and adjusting to daylight savings. Early in the evening I was snuggling and watching tv, then bam, 2AM and I'm being ushered upstairs to bed. But I did walk to and from work and did an extra hour of hooping today, so it's hard to feel too bad. I suppose out of 365 days, missing some will be inevitable, but I can minimize it all I can. Being active has become a habit now, and I am looking forward to workouts now, which is just where I want to be.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Abs-olutely Fabulous!

I was excited when this workout turned out easier than I thought it would be... my Fab Abs are still large and in charge! Crunches on the ball with the wall are super fun. So is channeling Dr Seuss.

I added in some stretching afterwards, since it felt so good yesterday.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 68 - Failure

I failed to do an internet workout yesterday, and here's why I don't care:

-Surprise Zumba class at lunch
-Hours of juggling in the evening
-Impromptu yoga session
-A night of rolling around on the floor

After such an active day, and staying up WAY too late, I was happy to find a stretching routine for today. Nice and low key, very happy.

The model in the workouts has her eyes closed in every photo... I didn't do that when I stretched.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A waist routine that makes your butt tired.

Not sure if I was just doing it wrong, or what... but my waist barely felt a thing during this workout. It was really nice and quick, which is good, cause I am kinda hungry. My injuries seem to be healing, very happy about that. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Could not resist the 5 minute title, and there was nothing in this workout that would aggravate my toe or shoulder. While it was quick, and I did the workout in jeans, it was still a good amount of work. Especially those jump squats... hoooooey!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Permission to rest.

Yesterday's workout was snuck in before dancing, and I really rushed through it, but it seems like it was a good thing as my shoulder really hurt by the end. I was focusing so hard on trying to find something that didn't hurt my toe I ignored the shoulder pain that creeped in over the weekend. So today I gave myself permission to take it easy, and do a very fulfilling stretching workout. Almost skipped it entirely, but a power nap gave me some energy. It was some stretches you would expect, then a few that threw me a bit. 

I look much more like a T when I try to do this. But my hammies were grateful. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

She's got legs... she's forgot how to use them...

Back to the queen of graphic workout bits, today's workout was all about the legs. I realized through this endeavor that most of the workouts on pinterest come from her, and that she also has her own workout calendar that she creates for her readers, which is super awesome. I also realized today that after a month of doing nothing but abs and a little bit of Zumba, my legs are now made of jello. Even so, this does feel like it's getting easier to jump into workouts that might be 15-20 minutes. My wobbly legs didn't try to talk me into quitting, either... they just were like "Haha, this is what you get for ignoring me you WHORE!" My legs have a bit of an attitude problem.
I added things to this workout, which is odd for my bare minimum attitude, but my obsessive need to be symmetrical drove me to do 10 split squat jumps (seriously, give those a try, they are nuts), and 2 360 twists. Also, jumping is fun.

Fantastic side effects are happening, I snuck in a little Just Dance last night and thought I sweat and was worked, I did not feel the painful wheezing I have had before. Which answer the question I didn't care ask, 'How long before any of this 5 minutes of working out a day crap actually makes a difference?' (I guess my brain has a bit of an attitude problem, too.) 2 months. It took me two month to go... "what the hell, why do I not have the urge to kick puppies in the face?"

This is my year.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

World's fastest workout!

Ok, this might not be true since my speedy yoga stint took less time than today's workout.

 It was really helpful to have a partner in crime for this workout, devious as he may be.

He had a timer and called out my next move, cheerily reminding me when I was not done yet with an exercise. He also tried to trick me into going around again, sneaky thing, but I had read it and new it was only 2 rounds. It does seem that this does not burn as many calories as a 40 minute run... that claim just seems preposterous. However, I do feel like I got a good little workout in without a lot of time. Squat thrusts... oh man.

Friday, March 1, 2013


I learned some wonderful things tonight:

1: Songza has a whole list of playlists for yoga, and they are quite nice.

2: I *need* more yoga in my life.

When I first started my job I did yoga 2 times a week, and sometimes more at home, and I need to get back to that kind of consistency. It just feels so nice, and it's clear I need other people around me since today's workout did not take me very long to get through.

I searched for the tumblr of the person who originally made this graphic, but had no luck reading the url no matter how large I blew up the picture.

I tried to take my time, but my strength has never been to sit (or pose) still for a long time. Except that once, but I was lying down under a blanket... way easy.

I snapped, crackled and popped my way through it and felt stretched and happy by the end. Seriously, I think I burned through it in 3 minutes. I need a much longer list of poses the way I go through them.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


LAST FAB AB EVAR!!! Oh the plank, I could barely take it seriously, I dropped and shifted around the whole time, but I don't care... those things are just torture. I want to keep up the push-ups  but a lot of the workouts have push-ups in them, so I will just keep doing regular push-ups instead of on my knees. Woohoo being stronger! And woohoo having shoes that let me walk to work 3 days in a row without pain! Woohoo!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


This plank was so long I started crying. I start to panic when the timer dims and I can't see how long is left. I don't understand this response. I am feeling slightly ill, so everything felt a little gaggy afterwards. Tomorrow is the last day. Then I am going back to a lot of arm workouts.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


They are really ramping up that plank. I don't know how to make that easier, I am screaming through it trying to convince myself I am not going to drop. Push-ups have leveled out OK  but I have got to stop waiting til right before bed to do all of this. We were in the middle of a movie and I realized I had forgotten to remember to do it. The sit-ups were really starting to drag on without my usual arm power, so my boyfriend played the Superman Theme to keep me pumped. It worked, I did my 90th sit-up right at the last crescendo. It was beautiful.

Monday, February 25, 2013


My boyfriend made me stop using my arms during my situps. I hadn't even realized I was using them. So. Much. Harder.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


As always, harder than I anticipated. Today's workout had me do a series of 4 moves, but for 5 minutes each. My little ADD brain could hardly handle it, let alone my out of practice hooping hips. The first five minutes was just straight hooping, but then they told me to bend over and bounce the hoop with my booty. Ample as it is, I could not get the hang of this motion; my hoop kept whacking me in the arm after a few bounces. At least the next 5 minutes was easier, hoop like normal, let it fall to your butt, then shimmy it back on up to your waist. I got bored so I did this one the opposite was I was used to. It's the little things that make you feel like a bad-ass. Lastly, demonstrated over on the left, pass the hoop around you but *under* one of your legs. A small but unsurprising mathematical error had me doing this for 6 minutes instead of 5, during which time I decided my biggest enemy was pants. Temperature being what it was, I did not feel shirts were particularly compatible comrades either. So it has come to this, blogging in my underwear. Have I fallen so far, so fast? Day 55... too bad-ass for clothes.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


I think I need a song to sing when I hit the 45 second mark on a plank. I always feel the need to yell and cry, maybe a sustained distraction would make the whole thing more pleasant. I still dread starting my workouts, but they do go by really fast, and I am being more daring with how deep I go into my pushups and still manage to make it back up every time. I guess that means I should try deeper. I'm very excited for Monday to come, as I will get to try out my new shoes, which appear to have been designed and created just for me. If this doesn't fix the foot pain, the next step is the podiatrist.    
Aren't they pretty????

Friday, February 22, 2013


Oh my word. There are only 6 more days in February, and my planks are supposed to double what they were today at the end of the month. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? I have no idea... but I guess I may find out.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Today, I noticed it. I am *stronger.* I am not sure if I can attribute it to the quart of fresh veggie juice I had for brunch, but I would really like to. The particularly hard sessions have come after a not-so-healthy dinner, but today I really had a lion's share of veggies. No... a horse's share of veggies? Lion's shares of vegetables would be very small... and likely second hand. Ew.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


My pushups are lame and shallow. But I still count them. I want nothing more than a giant dish of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Luckily, my laziness will keep me ice cream free.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

45-12-50, 50-15-50

What is this crap? Jumping from 12 pushups to 15? In one day? Who writes this stuff? It's harder to keep count of things now that the numbers are this high. At least I am back on track, and definitely feeling stronger. It's amazing how much food is making a difference, the crappier I eat the harder everything is.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Ok, it *is* a little easier to get through this routine when I haven't just walked home. I think this will be the last month long workout I do. I miss the weights and working my arms and legs.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Isn't this supposed to be getting easier?? I know quiver and shiver at just 10 seconds into my plank, clench my eyes in fear that my body will give out without me realizing it. Just gotta keep it up. That's all I gotta do. Maybe I shouldn't do it right after a 20 minute walk next time. It's a thought...

Thursday, February 14, 2013


As I start to drift off into glorious slumber, my brain awakes with panic. I had forgotten about Fab Ab February completely. I had briefly considered getting out of bed, putting on shoes, and just busting it out... but I did not want to be more awake once I was done. So I peacefully rested, happy with the fact I had gone to Zumba earlier in the day, feeling that counted quite a bit towards a fitness bit. So I will just adjust the rest of the week and skip my rest day on Sunday. If I keep to only 1 forgetful day a month, that's kind of amazing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Sets! How I LOVE thee! Let me count the ways:

1) Counting to higher than 10 is *hard* when you are trying to move and keep form.

2) You feel STRONG the whole time!

3) You get to take a little nap in between them all.

I've also begun counting down my last 10 situps as a backwards countdown out loud, so every day I get my own little ball-dropping celebration. What do I *do* in celebration?? One more sit-up. ;)

Monday, February 11, 2013


Shake shake shake shicka shake shake!

35 seconds have never felt so long as when your entire body is trembling awaiting it's inevitable collapse. Why so much shake this time? No idea, maybe that's what happens after rest day. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Just Sweat!

I picked the fighting "Just Sweat" workout on Just Dance 4. Ok... my boyfriend picked it cause I was having a decision making problem. They cheer you a long a bit as you go, and it take you through a warm up, two intense sessions with a cooler one in between, then a cool down (with stretching!!). Pretty perfect fitness bit, but I found myself wanting more afterwards, since the workout didn't touch on any songs I liked or even knew. So I rocked out to Call Me Maybe, and We No Speak Americano.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


30 seconds of plank, 9 pushups, 35 situps! I finally broke up the pushups into a set of 5 and a set of 4. It really allowed me to keep my form through all of them, which is awesome! I'm not sure I have ever been able to do that many real pushups. I've been scouring the internet for some kind of Just Dance workout for my rest day tomorrow... can't find anything, but they do have pre-set workout modes, which sound like they could be pretty fun.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Made it one more time without having to break into multiple sets, but just barely. Man those pushups are getting to me. I keep doing the situps slow and steady, so achy afterwards.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


25 second plank, 7 push ups, 30 sit ups. I think next week I might have to start breaking it up into sets. I used to not believe in sets, but I have been converted. One rhinocerosy bite at a time.

And this:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Yay more abs! 20 seconds plank, 7 pushups, 25 situps. I was tired but this one felt steeply harder than the others, even though it went up by one pushup, is all. So now I am tired. But I did it.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fab Abs!

It felt really awesome today to come home after work and know I was already done with my workout.
20 seconds of plank, 6 pushups, and 25 situps. I know it's going to get super painful any day now, and I am a little nervous. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Moar Abs!!

Todays ab workout was done on the carpet of the Madonna Inn, as I got completely lost in a facebook game called SongPop when I arrived home from work. I just blinked and it was time to go to my meeting. I certainly didn't mind, since I got to go back to swing dancing, which was FANTASTIC. I really thought it would take longer to feel any kind of difference in my endurance and strength, but I felt free to move as I felt like tonight. Terrific feeling. Found another pic for the abs that actually has the right year:

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A treat.

It's been a pretty stressful week, so I thought I would treat myself to the most comforting looking workout on my pin board. Sometimes it's really easy to forget that one of the most healing things you can do is just lie still and breathe.

If I wasn't so sleepy right now, I would turn this yoga session quickly into a candle-lit bubble bath with some soothing music. Wish I thought of that earlier, but really it's just (overly) time for bed.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Fab Ab Feb Day 2

Still easy. Today brought me up to 15 situps, 4 pushups, and 15 seconds of plank. I held on for 20 to make the later days easier. Also, switched it up and did situps last, since I like them the best. TIL that putting your feet under something heavy actually makes sit-ups easier.

Huh, I only just noticed this pic is not right for the year... ah, well! :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Fab Ab Feb Day 1

EASY PEASY! 10 situps, 4 pushups, 10 second plank. I love the beginnings of plans like these. A few friends and I are hunkering down and committing to this workout plan. 

I plan to keep up my daily workouts on the sundays where it tells me to rest, but other than that I will slowly build up these core muscles!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 31 - bootybootybootybootybooty

Oh my infinite adversary the balance ball. Luckily, the hardest move was first, but I was falling and flailing all over the place. At least falling and flailing still burns calories and works some muscles. There must be some kind of trick to staying on the ball in a plank position, but I have yet to find it. I hope someone tells me sometime.

I think the tush tightener was my favorite, cause it was hard, but I got a great hamstring stretch during each one.

I found this pic on pinterest, but have no idea where it originated from, the pin led to the pic itself.

I'm super excited for tomorrow, since we start Fab Ab February! It's only one pic for the whole month, but it should make all the planks easier from Feb on out!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 30 - too tired for wit...

I did this. Maybe that should be enough to tucker me out as much as it did... but the pictures make it look way easier than it really was. Plus, I tried Zumba for the first time today, so I'm already all made of jelly.

I cheated my butt off during this workout, but I still feel it deep in the glutes. That's 3 butt references in one sentence.

I could not hold these super long... and I did fall over a bit trying to match the picture.

The one below looks all sweet and innocent, but what the picture does *not* tell you is that you have to hold your leg out to the side after you hit this pretty little pose.
These were... you guessed it... the kicker. She's kicking all straight, but the instructions are to roundhouse (or fan) kick, and land in a squat. 15 times. Each side. So, I'm tired, sore, *and* sad at the sadness that is my fan kick. I'm just dubbing this not my day and moving on. At least Zumba kicked butt. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 29 - Pilates!

It's been a while since I have done a pilates workout, so I was quite happy to have my body rebelling against me while doing teeny tiny movements. I also got to hold my jump rope, which felt really fun for some reason. 

The pumps started out easy enough, and even though I had to do the next two moves based on a timer rather than reps, they passed by quite swiftly. 

My toe appears to be on it's way to well, 2 days of walking to work in sneakers instead of boots seem to be helping a lot. Now to get sneakers that are my actual foot size. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 28 - While watching TV

Today's workout was specifically designed to do while watching tv, but not anything specific. I liked being able to be distracted during planks and reverse planks. But man, my wrists are feeling it. I need to do some workouts for my wrist!

I doubt my form was anywhere near this nice, but I was happy that I could make it through 30 seconds without falling, rolling, or tripping. It was a nice workout for the ego :) 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 27 - ArmCORE!

Today's workout was great! I got to work my arms and core all without punishing my toesies. The moves were hard, but not too hard, felt pretty good.

Crunches with weights... genius!

This was HARD HARD HARD. Not so much that I fell over like so many of the other balancy things.

I felt happy enough afterward to keep doing more bicep curls, as I was still listening to Kristin Chenoweth read her autobiography - A Little Bit Wicked. That lady is so adorable.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 26 - Chair barre

Another deceptive workout. Really, the karate kick was the hardest one, but they were all really fun, I think I just like kicking. I really loved having the chair to hold on to, it reminded me of using the barre in dance class, and it's way more steady than the stability ball. My toes are also pretty good with squats, it's just the lunges that I need to avoid. And jumping/running.

I did this workout while watching the latest season of Toddlers and Tiaras on Netflix, so I may have been too distracted to notice how much I was working. Once I stopped I kinda felt like jello, but I also want to keep kicking a little more, it was so fun.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 25 - Strings of ham.

This workout promised all the workout with none of the squats, so it was the clear winner in trying to steer clear of hurting the toes. Much like the rest of these workouts, the burn was far more intense than I was expecting. There were only three moves, so I was suckered in...
This move is something I hadn't done since my post surgery PT. Man, I forgot how hard it was. 
This was the easiest, but it still burns way down deep inside. 

This last one... I could not do even one the way this lady looks here. I fell over, and needed to keep my lower leg bent just to stay upright. At least I know I was working extra hard trying to stay up! 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 24 - Holy #@*( abs!

This site never fails to deliver a deceptively effective routine. The jack knife sit-ups sounded like they might be hard, but in reality... they were downright screamworthy. You start lying flat on the floor and then you lift your torso *and* your knees up at the same time. The rest of the workout is more of a blur between these two ridiculous sets of these torture sit-ups. It certainly made me regret the taco bell I grabbed for dinner. Maybe next year I will work on healthy eating. Or tomorrow.

I really just want to jump around again, to run, to jump jackly, or jack, jumpingly. I'll try walking again tomorrow and hope for the best. I've begun to notice my days are much better when I walk. I should maybe look into some walking shoes, and maybe a little backpack to carry light things in.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 23 - Who's that girl? It's JESS!

Something a little different today...
I wanted to try out one of the "while you watch" workouts, so I was excited to find this in my google search when I discovered I had a new New Girl in my Hulu queue.

This version was clearly written with the first season in mind, as there haven't been a lot of Douche Jar references lately, but they did create an Annoyance Jar for Jess, so I figured that was close enough.

This episode had me do:
10 Russian twists
20 crunches (nothing broke, I just mixed up which was which)
30 sit ups
45 seconds planking
15 windmills
42 lunges

My toes weren't really up to the lunges, so I will have to remember that tomorrow. I have walked to work and back every day this week so far, and I don't really want to stop.

I'm not really sure I like these workouts, it was hard to concentrate on the show or the exercises as much as I would have wanted to, but I will try it at least once more.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 22 - Arms!

This popped up in my reader this evening, and when I saw it, I knew it was the one for today. I had to cheat and look how to do these up on fitocracy, but it made it easier to log my workout when I was done!

I really should have used heavier weights, but I only own a set of 5s and 3s. I'll work my way up, but it's better than using shoes. Maybe I will revisit this when I have heavier weights. It was quick, but I still feel like I did something. And every time I walk home and trek up the hill to the house, I don't feel so bad for not doing some kind of crazy workout. I also passed up the lure of a western bacon cheeseburger on the way home, so I can be proud.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 21 - AbTASTIC!

Still staying off the toe, though I did walk to and from work today without trouble... no need to push it.

This workout was great, it was a mix up of little bite sized bits, no matter how scary the big red 300 looked. My abs are wonderfully sore, I was happy I was able to do all of the things! The funnest ones seem to be the ones I find and do right in that moment, I guess that's true for the rest of my life, too.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 20 - Blasting that belly!

Today's workout was another chosen to avoid any undue stress onto my big toe, where the pain resides. There is something really satisfied about working those core muscles and feeling them ache afterwards. 

This workout had some fun twists on exercises, this side crunch on a ball was really awesome. 
The mountain climbers on the stability ball were my least favorite, because I could not do them with any competency whatsoever. Have you *met* a stability ball?? The name is ironic, at best.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 19 - Burn it with burpees.

I had turkey meatballs today, so I thought it was fitting to do the Turkey Burner Workout.
I thought this workout would be cake after the jumping jacks and squats, but my 3rd burpee in, I thought I was going to pass out. I took a bit of a pause and broke it down into sets of 10, and the last few were admittedly steps instead of jumps, but I didn't give up. I did the 1 leg pushup on my knee, but I think they were still doing more than the normal knee pushup, but I am still watching my foot pain, and pushups get to it. The bicycle crunches went by like nothing, it was a nice way to end the workout. I think I spent less than 5 minutes on this workout, when I looked at the clock, but it felt like much longer. I know I will eventually have to start working up to 10 and 15 minute workouts. All those repeater ones are staring at me, like "You're gonna run out of the easy ones... and all you'll have left is me... oh, we're *coming*" and I'm like, "How can you talk when I have my computer muted?!?!"


Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 18 - Balls.

I picked today's routine because I felt like playing on a bouncy ball, and it's getting harder to find ones that don't aggravate my toe. I went into it thinking it would be a piece of cake, but this workout kicked my butt.

The first move started out ok, the second move too... but THESE:

I was so wobbly, I fell over more than I actually excercised. It took *all* of my muscles to complete one rep. But I guess... really... that's the point.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 17 - No interesting title

I procrastinated too long today, so I found a workout that only had 4 things on it:

40 Jumping Jacks
30 Situps
20 Squats
10 Pushups

I don't want to link to the image, since after looking closer, it's a pro-ana site that it comes from, and I don't want to spread that around.

Something weird happened with my jumping jacks; every time I jumped I would turn a little to the left. So I was jack jumping in circles, though I swear I was jumping straight. My body may have been subconsciously compensating for the big toe pain that has come back a little, since I did walk to work today after resting for awhile. I guess more investigating needs to be done. I honestly lost count during the jumping jacks, being so distracted and confused by my spinning.

30 situps didn't seem like a lot until I decided I would do them all the way up, chest to knees. That is way different than crunches. I gave the same treatment to my squats, all the way down. My knees crackled and popped through all 20. There was some giggling in my house over this. I tried to make all 10 pushups full size, but dropped the knees the last 5. I'll get there.

I feel worked, and I feel good. I have been taking antibiotics for an infection, which is knocking me out more than I care to admit. But now I can go to sleep.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 16 - Up against a wall

Today the No-squats-belly-butt-thighs-workout!

I very much enjoy sitting with my feet in the air, which made this workout super appealing, since it's like 1 long inversion.

It went rather quick, and didn't leave me super sore, which makes me think I may have been doing it wrong, but there you go.

My foot has been responding well to the rest and inserts, so I will try to get back to walking tomorrow, and hopefully regular type workouts too. Some jump ropin, and jump jackin... yeah... something like that.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 15 - The harder they come, the harder they fall...

I chose today's workout because every picture was lying down.

While I admit, always, to my laziness, this was because a day or two ago I noticed some pain in the metatarsal under my big toe. So after googling foot pain diagnosis, I gathered that the best thing to do was rest my foot a bit, as it was rebelling against this new active me. Fuck you, foot.

I skipped walking to work, put insoles in my shoes, and didn't stand at work all day. If it doesn't get better in a few days I will go to the doctor. (I just realized I was *at* the doctor today, and didn't even mention it. Wow.)

I failed to read the fine print in the lower right, so when I finished in 3 minutes I was very excited until I saw it... do this 4 times through. I had very carefully avoided any workout that made me repeat itself, for fear I would take a murderous turn. Now I know I can just pop on some youtube and just make it through. Though, there is still a feeling of bitter resentment for missing those key words in my excitement to lie on the floor for a whole workout. My thighs are *worked*.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 14 - Early morning

I became someone motivated to get my workout out of the way fast as possible, it helped that the programmed heater has been waking our house up around 5 AM. So, after lying about for a few hours, I got up and searched for a quick workout that wouldn't leave my legs too achy to walk to work. Core, it is. I have never been terrific at plank, but I discovered (after a few full on collapses) that I feel my core working hard doing plank on my knees. So that's just what it's going to be until I can stay up for more than 10 seconds.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 13 - Seriously lacking in upper body strength

I taught a swing class earlier in the day, so I wanted to find a pure strength workout, and this one popped out at me on pinterest. It's really been perfect choosing a workout to do *right* at that moment, you don't have time to talk yourself out of it. My boyfriend was kind enough to do this workout for moral support (Laurel support!!!), but we have 1 set of dumbells, and they are 5 pounds. So while this was a laughable weight for him to do anything with, I struggled with using them for anything but the bicep curls, and had to downgrade to using his shoes... they are pretty big (I just weighed them, they are roughly a pound... haha... they felt like cast iron when I was doing the tricep kickbacks). As obviously weaksauce as that is, we did have a dance party in the kitchen for 20 minutes before hand, so it's really hard to feel bad about... anything. :)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 12 - It finally happened...

With the success of working out so late at night, I wondered when that might catch up with me. Well, last night I had planned to workout after the night of Hulu and Netflix was over... but I fell asleep right in the middle of Dark Shadows, and never made it off the LoveSac. So I figured the next best thing I could do was just do two workouts today, since it's the weekend and had no plans til evening.

I started with something that has been intimidating me on pinterest for awhile:

There was definitely some burn there, and I don't think I could have pulled this one off a week ago. 

As something of a reward for not giving up, I did a low key back workout, to spend the next workout as close to the floor as possible. 

But I learned a valuable lesson... just get the workouts over with right when I get home... or I may PTFO.