Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 13 - Seriously lacking in upper body strength

I taught a swing class earlier in the day, so I wanted to find a pure strength workout, and this one popped out at me on pinterest. It's really been perfect choosing a workout to do *right* at that moment, you don't have time to talk yourself out of it. My boyfriend was kind enough to do this workout for moral support (Laurel support!!!), but we have 1 set of dumbells, and they are 5 pounds. So while this was a laughable weight for him to do anything with, I struggled with using them for anything but the bicep curls, and had to downgrade to using his shoes... they are pretty big (I just weighed them, they are roughly a pound... haha... they felt like cast iron when I was doing the tricep kickbacks). As obviously weaksauce as that is, we did have a dance party in the kitchen for 20 minutes before hand, so it's really hard to feel bad about... anything. :)

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