Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 23 - Who's that girl? It's JESS!

Something a little different today...
I wanted to try out one of the "while you watch" workouts, so I was excited to find this in my google search when I discovered I had a new New Girl in my Hulu queue.

This version was clearly written with the first season in mind, as there haven't been a lot of Douche Jar references lately, but they did create an Annoyance Jar for Jess, so I figured that was close enough.

This episode had me do:
10 Russian twists
20 crunches (nothing broke, I just mixed up which was which)
30 sit ups
45 seconds planking
15 windmills
42 lunges

My toes weren't really up to the lunges, so I will have to remember that tomorrow. I have walked to work and back every day this week so far, and I don't really want to stop.

I'm not really sure I like these workouts, it was hard to concentrate on the show or the exercises as much as I would have wanted to, but I will try it at least once more.

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