Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 12 - It finally happened...

With the success of working out so late at night, I wondered when that might catch up with me. Well, last night I had planned to workout after the night of Hulu and Netflix was over... but I fell asleep right in the middle of Dark Shadows, and never made it off the LoveSac. So I figured the next best thing I could do was just do two workouts today, since it's the weekend and had no plans til evening.

I started with something that has been intimidating me on pinterest for awhile:

There was definitely some burn there, and I don't think I could have pulled this one off a week ago. 

As something of a reward for not giving up, I did a low key back workout, to spend the next workout as close to the floor as possible. 

But I learned a valuable lesson... just get the workouts over with right when I get home... or I may PTFO.