Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 7, 8, 9--I didn't forget!!!

Turns out, after a long day of sitting at the computer, I don't want to sit at the computer at home. So, while I have still done a workout a day, I haven't been posting about them. I'll go backwards...

Today, in celebration of Fitocracy's mobile app becoming available on Android I completed a quest they suggested for me, which consisted of 20 pushups (real ones!), 30 squats, 20 lunges, and 10 toyota jumps (just what it sounds like). These were surprisingly easy to get through, I think I'm getting stronger!!

Yesterday,  I wanted to focus on arms, cause I was really feeling like making it easier to lift things. I need to start sneaking some curls in more... maybe I'll do it after this, even.

Monday, after a night of Lindy Hop, I was ok with doing something low key (it was 11:53 when I got home). Yoga in bed? Delicious. Corpse pose in bed is EPIC.

I think I need to create some kind of art to put on the wall that reminds me of this yoga sequence, I could easily see this being a nightly ritual. Sooooo good.

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