Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 14 - Early morning

I became someone motivated to get my workout out of the way fast as possible, it helped that the programmed heater has been waking our house up around 5 AM. So, after lying about for a few hours, I got up and searched for a quick workout that wouldn't leave my legs too achy to walk to work. Core, it is. I have never been terrific at plank, but I discovered (after a few full on collapses) that I feel my core working hard doing plank on my knees. So that's just what it's going to be until I can stay up for more than 10 seconds.


  1. Zomg that was way tough. Lots of plank collapses. I was surprised at how much I welcomed side planks lol I never would have guessed myself looking forward to those lol. Keep it up you're kicking my butt ... well more core today ;)

    1. It's going to continue... my foot is doing something funky, so it needs rest... upcoming workouts will involve less feet.
