Thursday, March 14, 2013

I blame India.

Since my sweetheart is working on projects with people in India, the hustle and bustle of the morning started out much earlier than normal here. It has yet to reach 7 AM here, and he has already been at work for an hour and a half, and I have snuck in a full breakfast (scrambled egg, cottage cheese, marinara sauce all wrapped in a tortilla... mmm), a giant load of laundry, and today's workout! The pin sent me over to Back On Pointe (of course!), but the graphic claims its home as Move Nourish Believe. I could not find the graphic on the site itself, though. It was such a short little workout I didn't mind having to repeat it 2 times. Hard to say if it was easier since it's so early in the morning, or if I am just stronger now. Maybe both.

I predict I will sleep well (and early) tonight.

Edit: I found it! All I needed to do was a reverse image search in conjunction with the words from the URL. Oh, internet, you so smart. 

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