Monday, March 18, 2013

Too tired for this...

Still really low energy, so I picked this workout cause it looked really easy on paper.

Soooo hard, but I could do the 10 push-ups regular style all in a row! I couldn't believe it.

My jump squats, admittedly, got more shallow as time went on, as did my lunges.

But the lower half of my body weighs 40 tons today, so I am just impressed I made it through it.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Caring is caring.

Today was not a day for anything more strenuous than a calm, slow yoga workout.

It was kinda nice doing poses for 10 minutes and trying to rest and relax into them.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mmm... Pilates.

There is nothing I love more than working hard while lying down. I found this little Pilates workout, and while I didn't have a medicine ball, I did have dumbbells and a foam roller that did just as good a job.

I miss my old Pilates class at work, I really have never worked so hard moving so little in my whole life. My butt got *worked* and no DVD has been able to get the same results.

With the core work from February, this was relatively easy, and much more fun than hanging out in plank for 2 minutes.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Sleepy time workout...

Got to play on the ball today, it was nice and fun. It was also fast, which is a great thing considering how sleepy I was/am. More friday Zumba, so that was also nice and fun!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I blame India.

Since my sweetheart is working on projects with people in India, the hustle and bustle of the morning started out much earlier than normal here. It has yet to reach 7 AM here, and he has already been at work for an hour and a half, and I have snuck in a full breakfast (scrambled egg, cottage cheese, marinara sauce all wrapped in a tortilla... mmm), a giant load of laundry, and today's workout! The pin sent me over to Back On Pointe (of course!), but the graphic claims its home as Move Nourish Believe. I could not find the graphic on the site itself, though. It was such a short little workout I didn't mind having to repeat it 2 times. Hard to say if it was easier since it's so early in the morning, or if I am just stronger now. Maybe both.

I predict I will sleep well (and early) tonight.

Edit: I found it! All I needed to do was a reverse image search in conjunction with the words from the URL. Oh, internet, you so smart. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I go to 11.

Somehow Fitocracy gave me a hojillion points for today's workout. It does seem heavily weighted towards lifting. (I see what I did there...)  

Doing Zumba helped push it over the edge a bit, but mostly it's all this arm work over here. My guns are tired and sore. I can see definition in my bicep, I'm all giddy about it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Aim for the moon, hit a lot of stars.

Tonight's workout was really fun to do while waiting to watch movies and feed my friends delicious corned beef. Must of the moves were very familiar, but the high kicks I had to piece together myself. It seemed like I could take it at face value and tried to high kick in place. No go, I could not stop stepping forward after every kick, so I stopped fighting it and paraded around the kitchen and living room kicking like a showgirl. It was super fun, I recommend it. My planking stamina has gone down since the daily training, how quickly you lose out when you don't use it.

Yesterday, I was still catching up on weekend sleep, and adjusting to daylight savings. Early in the evening I was snuggling and watching tv, then bam, 2AM and I'm being ushered upstairs to bed. But I did walk to and from work and did an extra hour of hooping today, so it's hard to feel too bad. I suppose out of 365 days, missing some will be inevitable, but I can minimize it all I can. Being active has become a habit now, and I am looking forward to workouts now, which is just where I want to be.